Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Nios SRAM interface

Honored Contributor II



I'm trying to switch over a (working) example project from on chip memory to external SRAM (IS61LV25616) on the DE2 board. The SOPC produces the following signals : 


output [ 18: 0] address_to_the_sram_0; 

output [ 3: 0] be_n_to_the_sram_0; 

inout [ 31: 0] data_to_and_from_the_sram_0; 

output read_n_to_the_sram_0; 

output select_n_to_the_sram_0; 

output write_n_to_the_sram_0; 


I'm using the IDT71V416 SRAM component (which is also 256K x 16) and an Avalon tri-state bridge which I presume is correct(?). The chip/DE2 board has the following signal connections: 


SRAM_ADDR (0..17 connected on part) 

SRAM_DQ (0..15) 







I presume (again) that because the Nios requires a 32-bit instruction word, it will split the SRAM access intelligently using the lanes mechanism. 


So, do I connect : 

SRAM_ADDR to 18:1 on the address_to_the_sram_0 

SRAM_DQ (with a 'mirror' so to speak) to lower and upper portions of data_to_and_from_the_sram_0 

read_n to OE_N 

select_n to CE_N 

write_n to WE_N 


and then some glue between be_n and LB, UB? 


Will I ever get all four bits of be_n together? If so, how can I put in a wait? 


I've read Chapter 5 of the Avalon Memory-Mapped Tri-state Interfaces but I'm a newbie so it didn't make a whole lot of sense. 


Hopefully someone has done this before and can put me out of my misery? Any advice gratefully received. 



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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Answering my own query, it would appear that the IDT71V416 interface provided assumes that there are two SRAM parts on the board not one. The answer appears to be to create a new Avalon tri-state slave and hook that up to the tri-state bridge and that works. 


I have one residual query - in order to get the SOPC to recognise that the new slave is a memory device, you have to set the apparently deprecated option "Memory device" - what is the revised mechanism? 



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Honored Contributor II

I am a new beginner of SOPC. I am facing the same problem as you. Can you further explain on how u solve?.. I using the method u said above but i still get the error==> 


Error: The node "nios_ii:nios0|tristate_bridge_ssram_avalon_slave_arbitrator:the_tristate_bridge_ssram_avalon_slave|incoming_data_to_and_from_the_ssram[27]" has multiple drivers due to the always-enabled I/O buffer "nios_ii:nios0|data_to_and_from_the_ssram[27]. 


What I should do for the be_n, LB and UB?
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Honored Contributor II

The Avalon Memory Mapped Tristate Slave has all the signals that you need for that chip. The resulting TCL file looks like this : 


package require -exact sopc 9.1# | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | module memtest# |  

set_module_property NAME memtest 

set_module_property VERSION 1.0 

set_module_property INTERNAL false 

set_module_property GROUP Interfaces 

set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME memtest 

set_module_property TOP_LEVEL_HDL_FILE memtest.v 

set_module_property TOP_LEVEL_HDL_MODULE memtest 

set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true 

set_module_property EDITABLE true 

set_module_property ANALYZE_HDL AUTO# | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | files# |  

add_file memtest.v {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION}# | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | parameters# | # | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | display items# | # | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | connection point s0# |  

add_interface s0 avalon_tristate end 

set_interface_property s0 activeCSThroughReadLatency false 

set_interface_property s0 explicitAddressSpan 0 

set_interface_property s0 holdTime 0 

set_interface_property s0 isMemoryDevice true 

set_interface_property s0 isNonVolatileStorage false 

set_interface_property s0 maximumPendingReadTransactions 0 

set_interface_property s0 printableDevice false 

set_interface_property s0 readLatency 0 

set_interface_property s0 readWaitStates 0 

set_interface_property s0 readWaitTime 0 

set_interface_property s0 setupTime 0 

set_interface_property s0 timingUnits Cycles 

set_interface_property s0 writeWaitTime 0 

set_interface_property s0 ASSOCIATED_CLOCK clock_reset 

set_interface_property s0 ENABLED true 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_address address Input 18 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_rd_n read_n Input 1 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_data data Bidir 16 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_we_n write_n Input 1 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_ce_n chipselect_n Input 1 

add_interface_port s0 ats_s0_be_n byteenable_n Input 2# | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | connection point SRAM# |  

add_interface SRAM conduit end 

set_interface_property SRAM ENABLED true 

add_interface_port SRAM SRAM_ADDR export Output 18 

add_interface_port SRAM SRAM_RD_N export Output 1 

add_interface_port SRAM SRAM_WE_N export Output 1 

add_interface_port SRAM SRAM_BE_N export Output 2 

add_interface_port SRAM SRAM_CE_N export Output 1# | # +-----------------------------------# +-----------------------------------# | connection point clock_reset# |  

add_interface clock_reset clock end 

set_interface_property clock_reset ENABLED true 

add_interface_port clock_reset clk clk Input 1 

add_interface_port clock_reset reset reset Input 1# | # +----------------------------------- 


I think that effectively creates a conduit for you to access all the relevant signals at the level above which then has the following : 


output [17:0] SRAM_ADDR; 

inout [15:0] SRAM_DQ; 

output SRAM_WE_N; 

output SRAM_OE_N; 

output SRAM_UB_N; 

output SRAM_LB_N; 

output SRAM_CE_N; 


wire [17:0] SRAM_ADDR; 

wire SRAM_UB_N; 

wire SRAM_LB_N; 

wire [15:0] SRAM_DQ; 

wire SRAM_OE_N; 

wire SRAM_WE_N; 

wire SRAM_CE_N; 


nios_system NiosII ( 

.clk_0 (CLOCK_50), 

.reset_n (KEY[0]), 

.sram_s0_data (SRAM_DQ), 


.SRAM_ADDR_from_the_sram (SRAM_ADDR), 

.SRAM_BE_N_from_the_sram ({SRAM_UB_N, SRAM_LB_N}), 

.SRAM_CE_N_from_the_sram (SRAM_CE_N), 

.SRAM_RD_N_from_the_sram (SRAM_OE_N), 

.SRAM_WE_N_from_the_sram (SRAM_WE_N), 





Hope this helps. 



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Honored Contributor II

Thanks a lot. I found the related coding(SRAM_512k_16bit) provided by Terasic in the DE2 Disk.

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