Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16613 Discussions

Systemverilog packed structs in Quartus II?

Honored Contributor II

Re-posting here from the general forum where I posted by accident . . . 


I have a systemverilog header file (types.svh) that contains a number of the following: 


typedef struct packed { 

bit [127:0] field1; 

bit [63:0] field2; 

bit [127:0] field3; 

bit [63:0] field4; 


} name_of_struct; 


When I try to synthsize it in a file: 


`include "types.svh" 


module mod_name(i_port, ...) 


input name_of_struct i_port; 



Quartus II just dumps out a bunch of errors saying "Verilog HDL error: object "name_of_struct" is not declared. It's like QuartusII isn't actually seeing my `include file or something. Any suggestions?  


If I include the struct declaration prior to the 'input . . . ' line in my code, it works fine, so there is something about declaring a struct in an external file that is broken. I can't believe Quartus wouldn't support such a basic feature though.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

It works provided that you comply to this restriction: 


The path to the include file has to be explicitely writen in your system verilog file. For example: `include "../include/types.svh".
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