Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16614 Discussions

VHDL Code and Pin assignments on Terasic TR4

Honored Contributor II

Hello to everyone,  


I would like to ask you something about the configuration of pin assignments in VHDL. I would like, before starting to make my question, to say that I am relatively new to VHDL and Quartus II environment, but I have already learned some programming on a DE2 board. I just don´t seem to be able to to the same on the TR4. 


I am trying to make an easy blinking LED application, so the first thing I did was to program a VHDL entity called Simple_led, which is taking as input signal an internal 50 Hz oscillator, and it´s letting one of the leds on the board to blink. 


Now the code is very easy, I just have somethin like: 


entity Simple_led is port(OSC_50_BANK1 : in std_logic; LED : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end Simple_led; architecture behavior of Simple_led is signal led_c : std_logic := '0'; begin LED(0) <= led_c; blink : process(OSC_50_BANK1) variable temp : integer := 0; begin if (temp = 50000000) then temp := 0; led_c <= not(led_c); else temp := temp + 1; end if; end process blink; end behavior; 


The point is that I have defined the pins correctly following the board manual, and I have even checked that on a demonstration design delivered with the board itself.  

Inside the pin assignment the clock signal is exaclty called OSC_50_BANK1, and the leds are LED[0], LED[1], LED[2], LED[3]. 


When I compile the project I get warnings telling me that: 


  • there is one pin which is not driving logic....  

  • there is no defined clock inside my design...  



This is not clear to me. I have verified my design comparing it with the demonstration project which is written in Verilog, but which basically does the same I am doing in VHDL. 


Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? In case I can give you more details. 


All the best,  

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You should use inside the process a rising_edge(OSC_50_BANK1) to detect the clock rising edge. As I understand you want to increment your variable when you have a clock signal. 


So you would have something like this: 


entity Simple_led is port(OSC_50_BANK1 : in std_logic; LED : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end Simple_led; architecture behavior of Simple_led is signal led_c : std_logic := '0'; begin LED(0) <= led_c; blink : process(OSC_50_BANK1) variable temp : integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(OSC_50_BANK1) then if (temp = 50000000) then temp := 0; led_c <= not(led_c); else temp := temp + 1; end if; end if; end process blink; end behavior;
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