Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

clock divider with counter

Honored Contributor II

Hey guys, 


I am trying to design a counter . First of all, i have a clock divider block which will take on-board clock of 50 Mhz and will change it into frequency of 1Hz. 

The output frequency of 1Hz goes into my counter block. I have separately checked my codes, they are simulating and are working fine, but when I am trying to combine my blocks, i see my output in seven segment display which shows a constant output. I don't know what to do. 

Need your help guys. 



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11 Replies
Honored Contributor II

how about posting some code. 

Btw, using logic clocks is not recommened. You should use clock enables isntead.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

how about posting some code. 

Btw, using logic clocks is not recommened. You should use clock enables isntead. 

--- Quote End ---  



Here goes the code : 


module clock_divide(clk_out,clk_50); 

input clk_50; 

output clk_out; 

reg[24:0] count; // to count 25 million you need 25 bit counter 

reg clk_out; 

parameter TC=25'd25000000-25'd1; 


initial begin 




always @(posedge clk_50) 


if (count==0)begin 

count <=TC; 

clk_out <=~clk_out; 







module up_counter( out, enable , clk, reset ); 

output [7:0] out; 

input enable, reset, clk; 

reg [7:0] out; 

//-------------Code Starts Here------- 

always @(posedge clk) 

if (reset) begin 

out <= 8'h0 ; 

end else if (enable) begin 

out <= out + 1; 




// hex to seven segment decoder 


module hexadecimalcounter(hex_1, hex_0, hex_num); 

input [3:0] hex_num; 

output[6:0] hex_1; 

output[6:0] hex_0; 

reg [6:0] hex_1; 

reg [6:0] hex_0; 

always @(hex_num)  


case (hex_num) 

4'h0: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1000000}; // 7-seg for 0 

4'h1: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111001} ; // 7-seg for 1 

4'h2: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0100100} ; // 7-seg for 2 

4'h3: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0110000} ; // 7-seg for 3 

4'h4: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0011001} ; // 7-seg for 4 

4'h5: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0010010} ; // 7-seg for 5 

4'h6: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000010} ; // 7-seg for 6 

4'h7: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111000} ; // 7-seg for 7 

4'h8: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000000} ; // 7-seg for 8 

4'h9: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0011000} ; // 7-seg for 9 

4'ha: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1000000} ; // 7-seg for A 

4'hb: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1111001} ; // 7-seg for B 

4'hc: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0100100} ; // 7-seg for C 

4'hd: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0110000} ; // 7-seg for D 

4'he: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0011001} ; // 7-seg for E 

4'hf: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0010010} ; // 7-seg for F 

default: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1111111} ; // 7-segment code for blank 





// top level module counter_hexa 

module counter_hexa( enable, clk_50, reset, hex_1, hex_0, clk_out); 

input enable, clk_50, reset; 

output [7:0] hex_1, hex_0; 

output wire clk_out; 


wire [7:0] out; 


clock_divide ch_cd(clk_out,clk_50); 

up_counter ch_upc(clk_out, reset, enable, out); 

hexadecimalcounter ch_hxdc(out, hex_1, hex_0); 



Here is the code. Hope to hear from you soon.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

how about using a PLL to divide the clock? but i am not sure whether this range of 1MHz is allowed or not. 

You may check with PLL
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

In your top level module, it looks to me like where you instantiate the module "up_counter", you have listed the ports in the wrong order. Same for the "hexadecimalcounter" instantiation. 


You are using the "ordered list" method of module instantiation. At the cost of some extra typing, you could instead use the "connect by name" method and be less likely to have problems of this sort. 


I think you may have some additional issues with your instantiation of "hexadecimalcounter". I am not clear on just what you are trying to achieve but the sizes of the signals you are connecting to the module are not the same as defined by the module. It also looks like your counter will count from 0 to 255 but the display will only go from 0 to 15.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

In your top level module, it looks to me like where you instantiate the module "up_counter", you have listed the ports in the wrong order. Same for the "hexadecimalcounter" instantiation. 


You are using the "ordered list" method of module instantiation. At the cost of some extra typing, you could instead use the "connect by name" method and be less likely to have problems of this sort. 


I think you may have some additional issues with your instantiation of "hexadecimalcounter". I am not clear on just what you are trying to achieve but the sizes of the signals you are connecting to the module are not the same as defined by the module. It also looks like your counter will count from 0 to 255 but the display will only go from 0 to 15. 

--- Quote End ---  



I am trying to achieve a hexadecimal counter which will count from 00 to FF. any additional comments or points to join in my code. What could be done to make it run ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

After you have addressed the comments raised by mvanpelt (primarily the port connections being incorrect), try posting your code again and a description of how it is broken / what you have fixed since the previous post.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

This involves a bit of speculation on my part since I don't know the details of your display but it looks like your module "hexadecimalcounter" is meant to take one 4-bit (=1 hex digit) and then display it in decimal format using two seven-segment display characters. What you want is a module that takes one 4-bit value and displays it in hex format using one seven segment display character. You can use one of those modules for the upper 4 bits of your counter and another for the lower 4 bits. Right now you are trying to put an 8 bit value into the module. Take a careful look at your hexadecimalcounter module, it looks like a functional module but not for what I think you want to do. 


So you have logical errors, size mismatches, and parameter ordering errors. You need to do a thorough review of the code.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

This involves a bit of speculation on my part since I don't know the details of your display but it looks like your module "hexadecimalcounter" is meant to take one 4-bit (=1 hex digit) and then display it in decimal format using two seven-segment display characters. What you want is a module that takes one 4-bit value and displays it in hex format using one seven segment display character. You can use one of those modules for the upper 4 bits of your counter and another for the lower 4 bits. Right now you are trying to put an 8 bit value into the module. Take a careful look at your hexadecimalcounter module, it looks like a functional module but not for what I think you want to do. 


So you have logical errors, size mismatches, and parameter ordering errors. You need to do a thorough review of the code. 

--- Quote End ---  



Yeah I changed my value to 8 bit already, still i see the same problem output is constant. Do you see any mistakes in my hexadecimal counter ? 

I will be re-posting my code with slight corrections.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

After you have addressed the comments raised by mvanpelt (primarily the port connections being incorrect), try posting your code again and a description of how it is broken / what you have fixed since the previous post. 

--- Quote End ---  



I am trying to make a counter which will count from 00 to FF and will display it in seven segment on my board. 

I am re-posting code. I have done bit of re-ordering as mvanpelt said. Still i see the same output. I should see my seven segment counting but the output shown at my display is 80 and when I simulate the code, i just see 00 and 40. I am trying to this from past 2 weeks and I think I am stuck forever.  

Here is the code: 

module clock_divide(clk_out,clk_50); 

input clk_50; 

output clk_out; 

reg[24:0] count; // to count 25 million you need 25 bit counter 

reg clk_out; 

parameter TC=25'd25000000-25'd1; 


initial begin 




always @(posedge clk_50) 


if (count==0)begin 

count <=TC; 

clk_out <=~clk_out; 







module up_counter(clk, enable, reset, out ); 

output [7:0] out; 

input enable, reset, clk; 

reg [7:0] out; 

//-------------Code Starts Here------- 

always @(posedge clk) 

if (reset) begin 

out <= 8'h0 ; 

end else if (enable) begin 

out <= out + 1; 




// hex to seven segment decoder 


module hexadecimalcounter(hex_1, hex_0, hex_num); 

input [3:0] hex_num; 

output[6:0] hex_1; 

output[6:0] hex_0; 

reg [6:0] hex_1; 

reg [6:0] hex_0; 

always @(hex_num) 


case (hex_num) 

8'h0: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1000000}; // 7-seg for 0 

8'h1: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111001} ; // 7-seg for 1 

8'h2: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0100100} ; // 7-seg for 2 

8'h3: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0110000} ; // 7-seg for 3 

8'h4: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0011001} ; // 7-seg for 4 

8'h5: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0010010} ; // 7-seg for 5 

8'h6: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000010} ; // 7-seg for 6 

8'h7: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111000} ; // 7-seg for 7 

8'h8: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000000} ; // 7-seg for 8 

8'h9: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0011000} ; // 7-seg for 9 

8'ha: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1000000} ; // 7-seg for A 

8'hb: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1111001} ; // 7-seg for B 

8'hc: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0100100} ; // 7-seg for C 

8'hd: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0110000} ; // 7-seg for D 

8'he: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0011001} ; // 7-seg for E 

8'hf: {hex_1, hex_0} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0010010} ; // 7-seg for F 





// top level module counter_hexa 

module counter_hexa( clk_50, enable, reset, hex_1, hex_0); 

input enable, clk_50, reset; 

output [7:0] hex_1, hex_0; 

wire clk_out; 


wire [7:0] out; 


clock_divide cd(clk_50, clk_out); 

up_counter upc(clk_out, reset, enable, out); 

hexadecimalcounter hxdc(out, hex_0, hex_1); 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The port connections are still incorrect. You should follow mvanpelt's suggestion and use named ports during the instantiation. By being more explicit, it will show you some of your mistakes. 





up_counter ch_upc ( .clk ( clk_out ), .enable ( enable ), .reset ( reset ), .out ( out ) );  





module up_counter(clk, enable, reset, out ); ... endmodule; up_counter ch_upc(clk_out, reset, enable, out);
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

The port connections are still incorrect. You should follow mvanpelt's suggestion and use named ports during the instantiation. By being more explicit, it will show you some of your mistakes. 





up_counter ch_upc ( .clk ( clk_out ), .enable ( enable ), .reset ( reset ), .out ( out ) );  





module up_counter(clk, enable, reset, out ); ... endmodule; up_counter ch_upc(clk_out, reset, enable, out);  

--- Quote End ---  



my code is working now..but still some issue...i have two seven segments in my FPGA board..value at one's place is counting from 0 to F but value at ten's place is showing irregular values..i m posting the code which shows 0 to F in one's place but nothing much on ten's place... 

case (out) 8'h0: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1000000}; // 7-seg for 0 8'h1: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111001} ; // 7-seg for 1 8'h2: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0100100} ; // 7-seg for 2 8'h3: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0110000} ; // 7-seg for 3 8'h4: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0011001} ; // 7-seg for 4 8'h5: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0010010} ; // 7-seg for 5 8'h6: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000010} ; // 7-seg for 6 8'h7: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b1111000} ; // 7-seg for 7 8'h8: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0000000} ; // 7-seg for 8 8'h9: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111111, 7'b0010000} ; // 7-seg for 9 8'ha: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0001000} ; // 7-seg for A 8'hb: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0000011} ; // 7-seg for B 8'hc: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b1000110} ; // 7-seg for C 8'hd: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0100001} ; // 7-seg for D 8'he: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0000110} ; // 7-seg for E 8'hf: {hex_0, hex_1} = {7'b1111001, 7'b0001110} ; // 7-seg for F endcase end endmodule  


I am just posting the code in which I am facing problem. As i said value corresponding to hex_0 works fine, iterating from 0 to F but no change in hex_0. It either remains constant or not even changes.  

Hope to hear from you soon.
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