Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16637 Discussions

counting from 1 to 9 every second

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I had created code that counted from 1 to F in hexadecimal depending on the number of pushes on key. But now I need to modify the code to count from 1 to 9 every second and display it on the 7 segment decoder. I am not really sure how I am to go about this. Any pointers or tips to get me started would be great. This is what my previous code is [CODE][/module Lab4Part1 (KEY,SW,HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3);


input [0:0]KEY;

input [1:0]SW;

output [6:0]HEX3,HEX2,HEX1,HEX0;


wire Reset,Clock;

wire [15:0]Enable;

wire [15:0]Q;


assign Enable[0] = SW[1];

assign Reset = SW[0];

assign Clock = KEY[0];



T_FF F1(Reset,Enable[0],Clock,Q[0]);

assign Enable[1] = Q[0] & Enable[0];

T_FF F2(Reset,Enable[1],Clock,Q[1]);

assign Enable[2] = Q[1] & Enable[1];

T_FF F3(Reset,Enable[2],Clock,Q[2]);

assign Enable[3] = Q[2] & Enable[2];

T_FF F4(Reset,Enable[3],Clock,Q[3]);

assign Enable[4] = Q[3] & Enable[3];

T_FF F5(Reset,Enable[4],Clock,Q[4]);

assign Enable[5] = Q[4] & Enable[4];

T_FF F6(Reset,Enable[5],Clock,Q[5]);

assign Enable[6] = Q[5] & Enable[5];

T_FF F7(Reset,Enable[6],Clock,Q[6]);

assign Enable[7] = Q[6] & Enable[6];

T_FF F8(Reset,Enable[7],Clock,Q[7]);

assign Enable[8] = Q[7] & Enable[7];

T_FF F9(Reset,Enable[8],Clock,Q[8]);

assign Enable[9] = Q[8] & Enable[8];

T_FF F10(Reset,Enable[9],Clock,Q[9]);

assign Enable[10] = Q[9] & Enable[9];

T_FF F11(reset,Enable[10],Clock,Q[10]);

assign Enable[11] = Q[10] & Enable[10];

T_FF F12(Reset,Enable[11],Clock,Q[11]);

assign Enable[12] = Q[11] & Enable[11];

T_FF F13(Reset,Enable[12],Clock,Q[12]);

assign Enable[13] = Q[12] & Enable[12];

T_FF F14(reset,Enable[13],Clock,Q[13]);

assign Enable[14] = Q[13] & Enable[13];

T_FF F15(Reset,Enable[14],Clock,Q[14]);

assign Enable[15] = Q[14] & Enable[14];

T_FF F16(Reset,Enable[15],Clock,Q[15]);



Con h0(Q[3:0],HEX0);

Con h1(Q[7:4],HEX1);

Con h2(Q[11:7],HEX2);

Con h3(Q[15:12],HEX3);




module Con(bin,out);

input [3:0] bin;

output [0:6] out;

reg [0:6] d;


always @(bin)


4'b0000 : d <= 7'b1000000; //0

4'b0001 : d <= 7'b1111001; //1

4'b0010 : d <= 7'b0100100; //2

4'b0011 : d <= 7'b0110000; //3

4'b0100 : d <= 7'b0011001; //4

4'b0101 : d <= 7'b0010010; //5

4'b0110 : d <= 7'b0000010; //6

4'b0111 : d <= 7'b1111000; //7

4'b1000 : d <= 7'b0000000; //8

4'b1001 : d <= 7'b0011000; //9

4'b1010 : d <= 7'b0001000; //A

4'b1011 : d <= 7'b0000011; //B

4'b1100 : d <= 7'b1000110; //C

4'b1101 : d <= 7'b0100001; //D

4'b1110 : d <= 7'b0000110; //E

4'b1111 : d <= 7'b0001110; //F

default : d <= 7'b1111111;


assign out = d;



module T_FF(Reset,Enable,Clock,Q);



input Clock,Enable, Reset;

output [3:0] Q;


reg [3:0] tmp; 


always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) 


if (Reset) 

tmp = 4'b0000; 

else if(Enable) 

tmp = tmp + 1'b1; 


assign Q = tmp; 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

What you need to do is create an internal counter that will reset itself once a second. 


I would suggest making 2 counters. The first counter should count from 0 to <Clock speed in MHz - 1>. If Clock is at 100 MHz, have your first counter (counter1) count from 0 to 99. When counter1 = 99, have it reset to 0. 


For the second counter, when counter1 = 99, increment counter2. When counter2 = 999999 and counter1 = 99, one second has passed and you should increment tmp and reset counter2 to 0. 


An alternate solution would be to have your counter count from 0 to the clock speed in Hz. The only reason I might suggest avoiding this path is for timing reasons. 


It really isn't as hard as it may seem. Give it a try and if you have problems, keep posting. We'll get you there.
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