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3335 Discussions

Cannot install RealSense F200 driver



Hi I can not install drivers.

I tried everything

Please help.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Your Device Manager listing for the camera does have problems. It should list an RGB, Depth and Virtual Driver. Only the Depth driver was installed, and it indicates with a yellow exclamation mark warning that this has problems too.

I looked at your log. You have a 5th generation Intel Core processor, which is fine for the F200. It looks, from the details in the log, that you have a Lenovo Z51-70 laptop. This laptop has the F200 camera built in (it is not a plug-in USB camera). So its problem would not be related to the USB port.

A few users in the past have had problems with the camera on the Lenovo Z51. Examples: comment-1853553 DCM /FW Install Issues - PLEASE READ! I have Lenovo Z51 with F200 Realsense

Sadly, a solution for those users was not found, and so all we can know from it is that Z51 users do experience problems with their internal F200. Experience with other laptop internal cameras has taught that they are much harder to fix when they go wrong than the USB Developer Kit version of the camera.

I tried searching for the drivers for your computer on the Lenovo support page. It recognized your model of computer, but no drivers were listed for download when I selected that model.

If all else has failed, some laptops have the ability to do a Recovery Boot of the computer, which reinstalls Windows. A Recovery Boot is different from the Windows Restore install method, as it is also supposed to install the software and drivers that came pre-loaded with your PC when you bought it. On Lenovo laptops, there should be a piece of software already on your laptop that can do this, called Lenovo OneKey Recovery.

I would guess that the easiest way for you to find it will be to try typing the word 'onekey' into the text box at the bottom of your windows scree, next to the button you use to shut down the PC. Introduction to Lenovo OneKey Recovery 8.0 for Notebooks

If you choose to use this option if the Z51 does have OneKey on it, you should back up any personal data you have put on the PC since you bought it (e.g work files and music), since they will be lost when a Recovery Boot is done.

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Hi Szejk,



Thanks for your interest in the Intel® Realsense™ Platform.



Looking at your system information file, it seems that you have an old version of Windows (10.0.14393.206). Could you be so kind to upgrade to a newer version of the OS, also make sure all chipset drivers are up to date. Then uninstall the current F200 drivers from Device Manager, and reboot.



Plese let me know your results, have a nice day!



Best Regards,


-Jose P.
0 Kudos

Hi Szejk,



Were you able to update your Windows OS? Please let me know in order to assist you.



Have a nice day!



Best Regards,


-Jose P
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