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Simple Socket Server problem!

Honored Contributor II

I'm using simple socket server with TSE and nichestack and here is my problem. When I connect the tcp server for the first time, it is quite fast, then I disconnect it and try to connect the server again, then some obvious delay happens before the connection is set up, does anyone know the reason for this? 

Now I have to build two connections to a camera(which is a tcp server),the first connection is used to send the command and the second is to receive the picture data. At the first time my program got the picture quite fast, then it disconnected with the camera, the second time, after some obvious delay, my program got the picture finally, the third time, it probably won't get the whole picture, and after this, the program will never get a picture successfully. 

I've tried my socket program in windows, it will get the picture every time. But when I put the program with the nichestack, the problem appears. So I really need some help.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I tried the lwip version provided by BillA, and it can work properly.

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