Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20707 Discussions

multiplayer in modelsim

Honored Contributor II


i write this code (parallel multiplayer) in modelsim

  • multi_player.vhd


library IEEE;


entity MultTop is 

port ( Multiplier: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

Multiplicand: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

Product: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

Start: in std_logic;

Clk: in std_logic;

Done: out std_logic);

end MultTop;

architecture Behavioral of MultTop is

use work.mult_components.ALL; -- component declarations

-- internal signals to interconnect components

signal Mout,Qout: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);

signal Dout,Aout: std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);

signal Load,Shift,AddA: std_logic ;


C: Controller generic map (2) -- Controller with 2-bit counter

port map (Clk,Qout(0),Start,Load,Shift,AddA,Done);

A: AdderN generic map (4) -- 4-bit adder; 5-bit output includes carry

port map (Aout(3 downto 0),Mout,Dout);

M: RegN generic map (4) -- 4-bit Multiplicand register

port map (Multiplicand,Mout,Clk,Load,'0','0','0');

Q: RegN generic map (4) -- 4-bit Multiplier register

port map (Multiplier,Qout,Clk,Load,Shift,'0',Aout(0));

ACC: RegN generic map (5) -- 5-bit Accumulator register

port map (Dout,Aout,Clk,AddA,Shift,Load,'0');

Product <= Aout(3 downto 0) & Qout; -- 8-bit product

end Behavioral;

library IEEE;


entity RegN is generic (N: integer := 4);

port ( Din: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); --N-bit input

Dout: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); --N-bit output

Clk: in std_logic; --Clock (rising edge)

Load: in std_logic; --Load enable

Shift: in std_logic; --Shift enable

Clear: in std_logic; --Clear enable

SerIn: in std_logic );--Serial input 

end RegN;

architecture Behavioral of RegN is 

signal Dinternal: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- Internal state


process (Clk)


if (rising_edge(Clk)) then

if (Clear = '1') then

Dinternal <= (others => '0'); -- Clear

elsif (Load = '1') then

Dinternal <= Din; -- Load

elsif (Shift = '1') then

Dinternal <= SerIn & Dinternal(N-1 downto 1); -- Shift

end if;

end if;

end process;

Dout <= Dinternal; -- Drive outputs**

end Behavioral;

library IEEE;



entity AdderN is generic

(N: integer := 4);


A: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- N bit Addend

B: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); -- N bit Augend

S: out std_logic_vector(N downto 0) ); -- N+1 bit result, includes carry 

end AdderN;

architecture Behavioral of AdderN is


S <= std_logic_vector(('0' & UNSIGNED(A)) + UNSIGNED( B );

end Behavioral;

library IEEE;

library work;



entity Controller is generic (N: integer := 2); -- # of counter bits

port ( 

Clk: in std_logic; -- Clock (use rising edge) 

Q0: in std_logic; -- LSB of multiplier 

Start: in std_logic; --Algorithm start pulse 

Load: out std_logic; -- Load M,Q and Clear A 

Shift: out std_logic; -- Shift A:Q 

AddA: out std_logic; -- Load Adder output to A 

Done: out std_logic -- Indicate end of algorithm


end Controller;

architecture Behavioral of Controller is

type states is (HaltS,InitS,QtempS,AddS,ShiftS);

signal state: states := HaltS;

signal CNT: unsigned(N-1 downto 0);


-- Moore model outputs to control the datapath

Done <= '1' when state = HaltS else '0'; -- End of algorithm

Load <= '1' when state = InitS else '0'; -- Load M/Q, Clear A

AddA <= '1' when state = AddS else '0'; -- Load adder to A

Shift <= '1' when state = ShiftS else '0'; -- Shift A:Q




if rising_edge(Clk) then

case state is when HaltS =>

if Start = '1' then -- Start pulse applied?

state <= InitS; -- Start the algorithm

end if;

when InitS => state <= QtempS; --Test Q0 at next clock**

when QtempS =>

if (Q0 = '1') then

state <= AddS; --Add if multiplier bit = 1


state <= ShiftS; -- Skip add if multiplier bit = 0

end if;

when AddS => state <= ShiftS; -- Shift after add

when ShiftS =>

if (CNT = 2*N - 1) then

state <= HaltS; -- Halt after 2^N iterations


state <= QtempS; -- Next iteration of algorithm: test Q0 **

end if;

end case;

end if;

end process; 



if rising_edge(Clk) then

if state = InitS then

CNT <= to_unsigned(0,N); -- Reset CNT in InitS state

elsif state = ShiftS then

CNT <= CNT + 1; -- Count in ShiftS state

end if;

end if;

end process;


--main process(test bench)--

Clk <= not Clk after 10 ns; -- 20ns period clock



for i in 15 downto 0 loop -- 16 multiplier values

Multiplier <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,4));

for j in 15 downto 0 loop -- 16 multiplicand values

Multiplicand <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j,4));

Start <= '0', '1' after 5 ns, '0' after 40 ns; -- 40 ns Start pulse

wait for 50 ns;

wait until Done = '1'; --Wait for completion of algorithm

assert (to_integer(UNSIGNED(Product)) = (i * j)) – Check Product

report "Incorrect product" severity NOTE;

wait for 50 ns;

end loop;

end loop;

end process;

--end main process(test bench)



end Behavioral;



  • mult_components.vhd package


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package mult_components is component Controller -- Multiplier controller

generic (N: integer := 2);

port ( Clk: in std_logic;--rising edge clock

Q0: in std_logic; --LSB of multiplier

Start: in std_logic; --start algorithm

Load: out std_logic; --Load M,Q; Clear A

Shift: out std_logic; --Shift A:Q

AddA: out std_logic; --Adder -> A

Done: out std_logic ); --Algorithm completed

end component;

component AdderN -- N-bit adder, N+1 bit output

generic (N: integer := 4);

port( A,B: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);

S: out std_logic_vector(N downto 0) );

end component;

component RegN -- N-bit register with load/shift/clear

generic (N: integer := 4);

port ( Din: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); --N-bit input

Dout: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); --N-bit output

Clk: in std_logic; --rising edge clock

Load: in std_logic; --Load enable

Shift: in std_logic; --Shift enable

Clear: in std_logic; --Clear enable

SerIn: in std_logic ); --Serial input

end component ;

end mult_components;


but after compile show this error:



* Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(132): Cannot drive signal 'Clk' of mode IN.

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(136): Illegal target for signal assignment.

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(136): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "Multiplier".

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(138): Illegal target for signal assignment.

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(138): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "Multiplicand".

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(139): Cannot drive signal 'Start' of mode IN.

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(141): Cannot read output "Done".

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(142): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "Product".

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(142): near "?": (vcom-1576) expecting ';'.

** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.5/examples/Multi_Player.vhd(148): VHDL Compiler exiting


what can i do?

please help me!


0 Kudos
3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Heres the problem: 


Clk <= not Clk after 10 ns; -- 20ns period clock 


You appear to have testbench code inside an entity. A testbench needs to be its own entity.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

thanks but i wrote test bench: 


library IEEE; 



entity test is MultTop 


architecture btest of test is 


Clk <= not Clk after 10 ns; -- 20ns period clock 



for i in 15 downto 0 loop -- 16 multiplier values 

Multiplier <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,4)); 

for j in 15 downto 0 loop -- 16 multiplicand values 

Multiplicand <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j,4)); 

Start <= '0', '1' after 5 ns, '0' after 40 ns; -- 40 ns Start pulse 

wait for 50 ns; 

wait until Done = '1'; --Wait for completion of algorithm 

assert (to_integer(UNSIGNED(Product)) = (i * j)) ? Check Product 

report "Incorrect product" severity NOTE; 

wait for 50 ns; 

end loop; 

end loop; 

end process; 

end btest; 


but give this error: 

near "MultTop": (vcom-1576) expecting END.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

It's only the first of many VHDL syntax errors. You should write 

entity test is end; 


But you still need to declare signals in the architecture before assigning values to it. And a testbench is useless without driving a design under test. 


If you don't like to read a text book or tutorial before writing code, you can still debug your attempts line by line. Review the first error line, compare with VHDL language reference, correct, compile again. Repeat until compiled with no errors. Then try to simulate. 


There are by the way code tags (# button under go advanced) to format your code appropriately and make it better readable. And the question should be surely posted in the Coding/VHDL rather than General Altera Discussion section.
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